Thursday, September 22, 2011


Kept taking deep breathes nowadays...

Feeling so trapped here: Move or not move?

Where can i go?

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Revival of my blog


It has been years since i updated this blog...

Needa revival..

Life has been pretty good for me these years. There are ups and downs, disappointments, happiness..etc. But we have to learn to be positive. Whenever i feel let down, i will keep encouraging myself to be happy. Though i feel i'm not as happy as compared to the past, but i still must remind myself to be contented:

Always look forward and never dwell in the past!

2 years ago, I have a new addtion to my family.. a maltese by the name of Betty aka Bie Ti (don't mention in Chinese).

Why Bie Ti? Cos she has been kinda abandoned a few times before I adopted her. So Bie Ti is another name to ask her not to look into the past and enjoy the future with us.

My parents initially rejected the idea of having a dog in my family especially my father cos he finds dogs DIRTY and SMELLY. But over the years, he has grown to accept Betty cos she is always very playful and makes all of us laugh with her various antics.

This year, she has spent her third Birthday with us..her birthday is 1st August. I wished that she will always be that happy and healthy. The two 'H's are very important cos it affects the holes in my pocket. So pray hard the two 'H's will always be with her!!

I will always love you Betty!

And not forgetting Xiaobai, my first dog and also a maltese. He is a very smart but defiant dog. I have been bitten by him before and it kinda affects me cos I do not dare to go too near him in case I'm being harmed by him again. Hahaha. His actions are really unpredictable.

There was a time I nearly lost him during one of the CNY. My mom was watering the plants and she left the door open. Being a playful dog, Xiaobai sneaked outside while I was still sleeping and we only realised that he was missing until my mom kept looking for his during lunch.

I immediately jumped up from my mattress when i was told of his MIA. Still in my pyjamas, i ran out of the house, running up and down the stairs and shouting for his name. In my mind, I kept thinking that I'm gonna be so dead. I even had an argument with my mom over this cos I dont understand why she did not close the door when she was outside.

Luckily, Xiaobai managed to find his way back to our house cos he was being chased by a kid. He ran all the way up to fifth floor and came to our house. But we were out looking for him so he cant get in. It was so fortunate that my neighbour knows him and he immediately dashed into her house as if to seek help. When I was downstairs, i heard some barking and ran up again. I was so relieved to see him back.

I thought i will lose him forever and I cant imagine telling Uncle who was in Malaysia that he is gone. This is something that I will always remember.

Xiaobai, even though that i do not dare to go near you now. But I will always love you too ok..
You must also be healthy and happy always!!

Finally, I would like to end off this post with

Happy 46th National Day, Singapore!!!!!